In the Next Room or The Vibrator Play
by Sarah Ruhl
Las Vegas Little Theatre
Dr. Givings: Chris Hermening
Mrs. Givings: Abby Dandy
Mrs. Daldry: Marni Montgomery-Blake
Mr. Daldry: Walter Niejadlik
Leo Irving: Michael Blair
Elizabeth: Shambrion Treadwell
Annie: April Sauline
Director: Gillen Brey
Stage Manager: Kai Zinsman
Lighting Designer: Ginny Adams
Set Construction: Ron Lindblom
Costume Designer: Shannon Nightingale
Properties Mistress: Bette Kennedy
Sound Designer: Sandy Stein
Mrs. Givings: Abby Dandy
Mrs. Daldry: Marni Montgomery-Blake
Mr. Daldry: Walter Niejadlik
Leo Irving: Michael Blair
Elizabeth: Shambrion Treadwell
Annie: April Sauline
Director: Gillen Brey
Stage Manager: Kai Zinsman
Lighting Designer: Ginny Adams
Set Construction: Ron Lindblom
Costume Designer: Shannon Nightingale
Properties Mistress: Bette Kennedy
Sound Designer: Sandy Stein